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Amazing Fantasy #5 2020 COMICS


Path to Power

What if your life came down to one amazing moment, one fantastical choice to undo the thing you regret most? What would it cost to rescue the person you love? What would you be willing to pay? Find out in the final issue of AMAZING FANTASY! Starring WWII Cap, teenage Spidey and spy-school Black Widow in one last chance to save it all!

Amazing Fantasy #2 Andrews Variant 2021 Comics


EXPERIENCE THESE HEROES LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Each of our heroes from across time and space seem to have found their tribes in this strange new land of wonder. But World War II Cap, Teenaged Spidey and Spy-School Black Widow soon discover that every paradise has its own costs and, eventually, everyone must pay! Is there a way to avoid the coming war? Or is fate the flute that leads us to our inevitable end? Our Amazing Fantasy continues!

Amazing Fantasy #2 Peach Momoko Variant 2021 Comics


EXPERIENCE THESE HEROES LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Each of our heroes from across time and space seem to have found their tribes in this strange new land of wonder. But World War II Cap, Teenaged Spidey and Spy-School Black Widow soon discover that every paradise has its own costs and, eventually, everyone must pay! Is there a way to avoid the coming war? Or is fate the flute that leads us to our inevitable end? Our Amazing Fantasy continues!

Amazing Fantasy (2021) #4 (of 5) Comic Book


THIS. IS. WAR. Teenage Spider-Man, WWII Captain America and spy school Black Widow fight to survive their Amazing Fantasy!