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“One-Star Squadron #2 2022 Comics”



Meet Minute Man, the greatest hero probably never heard of! It’s not easy being Red (Tornado)! As the boss, he’s got everyone relying on him for their next paycheck. Enter Minute Man, a 1990s has-been superhero looking for 15 more minutes of fame…or at least a way to pay for Miraclo pills. Without them, he’s a super-zero and he’s willing to do anything for one more chance at power. How far will he go? Meet Metropolis Comic Con’s newest special guest!

“Suicide Squad King Shark #3 2021 Comics”

Defacer must form a partnership with the Man-King to ensure humanity isn’t overtaken by shark domination! But she’s kinda starting to like King Shark, and the avatar of all humanity kinda sucks! Plus, King Shark takes on the Queen Tiger (not to be confused with the Tiger King).

Suicide Squad King Shark #2 2021 Comics


King Shark and his unwilling tagalong, The Defacer, find themselves trapped in the WILD REALM! Now while King Shark has to fight a horde of challengers in THE WILD GAMES, The Defacer is immersed in a twisted conspiracy! Is the city girl ready to play a game of survival as King Shark takes on PRINCE NEMATODE?