Showing 13–24 of 62 results

The Flash Rebirth #5 2009 Comics

REARVIEW MIRRORS It looks like the Speed Force has chosen a new role for Barry Allen in the DCU—the role of the Black Flash, avatar of death! As Barry tires of outrunning the responsibility, he rests within the Speed Force itself, and what he finds will shock you!

“Justice League Infinity #7 2022 Comics”



The entity released from the Mirrored Room has accomplished its goal and is erasing the Multiverse and all of existence once and for all. In a last-ditch effort, using all his willpower, John Stewart saves what friends he can. Trapped in a construct bubble, the team works to formulate a plan of action, but is it too late? Is this the end of the Justice League?

The Flash Annual #4 2011 Comics

Meet the new hunting party gathered by Professor Zoom - and see how The Flash's nemesis recruited each of these deadly players to plague the life of Barry Allen.

Convergence The Flash Collector’s Full Set #1-#2 2015 Comics

STARRING HEROES FROM CRISIS ON INFINITE EARTHS! Trapped in Gotham City, Barry Allen has nowhere to run. He fights on, seeking justice as well as a way to save the city, but he faces a Tangent Universe foe who thinks faster than even The Flash can run!

The Flash (2010) #1 Comic Books

CASE ONE: THE DASTARDLY DEATH OF THE ROGUES A BRIGHTEST DAY tie-in! Get in on the ground floor of DC's next epic in the making! The Flash races out of BLACKEST NIGHT and into his own monthly title as the all-new adventures of The Fastest Man Alive start with "Case One: The Dastardly Death of the Rogues!" Barry Allen runs back to his life in Central City, but when one of the Rogues turns up murdered under mysterious circumstances, it's up to The Flash to not only solve this bizarre crime, but protect those that are still targeted by the elusive killer. Plus, don't miss a peek into the future of the Flash universe in this special, extra-sized starting point issue!